Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Someone's been eating my nuts again.

Dangit. So I have these little tastes of heaven called Jordan Almonds, that I keep in a big bag in my desk drawer. (For those not familiar, that's candy-coated nuts - a sugary delight...). These particular nuts are red, green, and white colored for a sweet holiday-themed treat, and the original bag was a full 3 lbs. Yes, that would fill up a large watermelon, and most likely could nourish a small country for a few days. Now, I took a few days off for the holiday, and obviously my nuts were left in the office. Now, to be fair, I eat a decent amount, and I offer them to co-workers, who also partake. When I departed for holiday festivities, there was definitely half a bag left. (I keep track of these things - both by sight and weight, especially when it comes to almonds & nuts in general).

I returned this morning and I knew something was amiss as I threw the desk drawer opening, jonesing for my daily nut fix. My eyes widened with terror, and my jaw dropped as I gasped: "My nuts! My precious nuts!" Friends, there was only a quarter of a bag left. I know it could not have been me - I have a particular way of folding the bag and clipping it closed, and it was TOTALLY screwed up. I feel violated. And I long for the sweet crunch of those lovelies in my mouth. So anyway, I'm wondering - who ate my nuts? Should I eat the ones that are there? What if someone poisoned them? Why couldn't they at least try to make it less obvious that they stole some? What else have people been eating in my drawers? Alas, here I sit, dejected and depressed, having lost another tiny shred of respect for mankind - the bunch of nut-hungry maggots we are.


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