Sunday, June 29, 2008

Come to Jesus

For 27 years of my life, I had never heard the phrase "Come to Jesus meeting". Since I heard it that first time, I think I've heard it about 25 times over the past few months. I feel like that happens to me a lot. For example, I never heard the phrase "where the rubber meets the road" until about 3 years ago. Now I hear it all the time. Same with "quick and dirty" (I hate that one). Or "cursing like bananas on the run". Ok, just kidding about that last one - made it up. But I'm trying to make it the next big thing. Anyway, people have told me about their "come to Jesus" meetings (for those of you ignorant as I was, it's having a serious meeting about something where you want to straighten the other person our, tell them how it is, how you are right and they are wrong, that they need to get their act in gear, or need to understand something. In general, sit down and have a serious-face conversation about some big deal. No laughing. It may come to blows.)

Well, I convened my first "come to Jesus" meeting the other day. Clearly I need practice, because I don't think my point got across during this tete-a-tete, even though I was fairly blunt. So, what's the next step up from a "Come to Jesus" meeting? What if you have to be more serious than convincing someone of a higher power? Thoughts and comments are welcome. Does that mean I have to call for a "World Wrestling Entertainment" or "Ultimate Fighting Challenge" cage match meeting? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Question: what do folks of other faiths call this type of meeting? A "come to Buddha" meeting? Or what about atheists - a "come to the nothing" meeting? Agnostics - "come to the maybe something" meeting? This is all so confusing. Maybe it'll come to me if I curse like bananas on the run.


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