Saturday, August 11, 2007

Traveling somewhere on zero

Still catching up from the past few days. Ok.

This is a follow up to the Traffic posting. Here is the speedometer. Going, yes, zero. However, I was dumb enough to take this while moving. Note that it is still at zero. So I ask you, how can one be traveling miles/feet per hour, but still be reading zero? Not even 1 mph? That's pretty dang slow, and believe me, it felt like I could have walked or ridden a 3-legged donkey faster. My real question is, why don't they go into Fred Flintstone mode, and says "steps per hour". I mean, really, if we broke it down like that, I was truly going about 1000 feet/steps per hour, which would have made me feel like I was making SOME progress, not just the illusion of making headway on my travels. I mean, 1000 steps per hour would have really brought a smile to my face, much more so that a paltry 30 miles per hour. That sounds so teenie weenie compared to 1000 steps. Clearly it's all in the units, but sometimes the numbers make you feel better. Doesn't it work the same with guys and size? 10 inches is a whole lot different than 10 centimeters...however if answered ambiguously and without units, they don't feel so bad comparing members at the country club. Oh well, life goes on, and so do we, just how we do it IS a mystery.


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