I was in the doctor's office today, and picked up one of the magazines there...various headlines and whatnot...and there was an article about 10 things happy people have in common - people of various backgrounds, economic levels, religions, ages, countries, etc. - but who had certain qualities or mentalities in common - seemed intriguing. The author had previously written a book on some sociological or psychological and neurological something or another, and as a follow-up had interviewed 100 people, and found 10 common themes. (No one was happy all the time, she pointed out. These folks were at peace with and grounded in their lives, and predominantly enjoyed it.) So I curiously read the article, down to the last line on the page, which said (something along these lines): "The great 100 had the following in common: (CONTINUED on p. 22)". So I look for the place where it's continued to...and there are no pages. Some idiot ripped out the happy people pages. You can imagine how PISSED I was. An article that could have been somewhat interesting or enlightening had the opposite effect entirely. I actually thought it might be some type of joke or psychology experiment, or that I was on hidden camera or something...because damned if I didn't throw a mini
hissy fit in my head about stupid people who deface others' property. Clearly I would not have been one of those interviewed for her survey...my angry button was pushed and I was not having anything to do with someone else selfishly stealing the happy to make themselves feel better. Bastards!