Mahna mahna
Don't worry if you can't pronounce the title - that problem will be resolved in a few moments.
To begin: "The question is, what is a Mahna Mahna?" (Don't worry - you won't have a clue by the end of this posting either.)
Before reading any further, proceed to this link, and crank up the speakers (and watch ALL the way to the end):
Holy heavens - I'm addicted. HA! Good luck getting that one out of your head - I've been singing it for 4 weeks straight until I found the actual footage of the skit. It's like auditory heroin - I can't get enough of my fix of manhamanha!! My internal theme song now has no words, only 5 syllables smooshed together. (Now I have a glimpse of what the inside of our beloved "W's" head must be dooo de do be...)
"Mahnamahna" kind of reminds me of how I sound at work in the morning...frustrated with the world and wishing I was back in bed. And if you try real hard, you can work the word "mahnamahna" into almost any conversation. (Note: the inflection of the "mahnamahna" will change depending on the situation and its relative intensity.)
Your coworker says good morning, and you reply: (in a grumpy, gravelly voice) "Mahnamahna." (followed by a grunt). "I don't want to be at work today."
Or maybe you respond with...(Angry voice) Go away or I'll kick your mahnamahna to next week!
Another example:
When walking down the street, using your best "outdoor" drunken voice (since obviously, no one can hear you): "My mahnamahna and your mahnamahna sitting by the mahnamahna said to your mahnamahna I'm going to set your flag on fire...(name that movie). (At this point in time, you would have tripped over a trash can and face-planted in someone's rose garden, thus hurting your mahnamahna, which now requires medical attention.)
For fun:
Try to impress your friends by saying mahnamahna 5 times really fast. Try typing it 5 times in a row - it'll F*** with your many m's and a's and n's and h's -which order do they all go in? There's so many lumpy letters they all run together! (Seriously, try it - you'll find yourself scratching your watch and winding your butt [name that movie!]...or maybe that was just me).
Ok friends, take delight in the "mahnamahna," which will steal your sanity and replace it with little pink dancing puppets.
And yes, I did dig out the lyrics for you and your eternal enjoyment:
Mahna Mahna
Do doo be-do-do
Mahna Mahna
Do do-do do
Mahna Mahna
Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo do!
(Improv. piece by the Mahna Mahna)
Repeat Chorus
(Improv. by the Mahna Mahna)
Repeat Chorus
(Improv. by the Mahna Mahna)
Repeat Chorus
(Improv. by the Mahna Mahna)
Repeat Chorus twice
Phone rings...
Kermit: "Hello?... Just a second... It's for you..."
Mahna Mahna!
Wallace: "The question is, what is a Mahna Mahna?"
Statler: "The question is, who cares?
Love it. Love IT. LOVE IT!
(Though, my real question is - what the heck are those pink things?)