Conquering the tiny plane
Icy lake overflight (those are roads cutting through the lake. White portions are ice on lake.
I think I experienced a little piece of heaven the other day while eating a pineapple upside down cake, recipe from a well-known chef in Hawaii from the Hali'imaile General Store. Fantastic recipe...anything with 4 sticks of butter, 4 cups of sugar, 8 egg yolks and a whole pineapple clearly will open your eyes with an out-of-body experience. (It was recently re-named the "heart-stopper" as a result of its ingredient list. Seriously.)
Who doesn't love peeps? Sugar-coated marshmallows with cute little eyes made of icing...they're nothing and everything all at once - a bit of heaven separated from the world by a flimsy sheet of plastic wrap. I can eat about 6 little of these bundles of joy at a time, so the little bunny and ducky easter packages go rather quickly. I sat there the other day, savoring my 5th, and thought "oh crap, I bet these things are really unhealthy, so only 1 more now until next hour's portion". I went to check the package to see how badly I was clogging my arteries or contributing to Type II diabetes, causing brain cancer, etc. and to my surprise, I found the label below:
Thought this was a good one: charity sends me a nickel in an envelope to solicit donations. Note, however, that on the front of the envelope, it mentions that this nickel would certainly help a lot of people. So, I am led to ask, if it could help save a child, WHY DID YOU SEND IT TO ME instead of saving the kid?? Think of all the nickels out there you could have used to further the cause and not bother me for money. How many kids could be saved per mailing? I don't think I would donate to this charity if they aren't really going to help anyone, but will only take the money and mail it out to others.
My client from Nevada gave me some dice to practice playing craps with so that I can actually win some money when I go back there. Long live the Fandango and the Nugget casinos (affectionately referred to as "the Nug"). I now have player cards at each, thank you very much. Every time you sit down for a game, they swipe your card, and give you points. I already won a free lunch buffet in a smokey casino for losing money playing texas hold 'em. Not bad for my first time round.
After more than 60 years of serving Hawaii, Aloha Airlines is no longer operating. :-(